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How to Change Colors Every Row Without Fastening off in Crochet

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Do you love striped afghans but find it discouraging that you have so many ends to weave in? Learn to change colors in crochet without fastening off. Yes, I am talking about 2 colored stripes where you cannot drop and pick up the previous color as it would be at the opposite end of your work.

This crochet tip is meant for Afghans with borders and will work with stitches that look the same on both the sides.


Watch the video below to learn how.

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Check out my full collection of crochet patterns here: Pattern Gallery.

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Thursday 22nd of April 2021

This was very helpful. I always shy away from a color change every row and instead go every two rows. Now I can change colors every row. Thank you!

Sharon Gray

Monday 1st of June 2020

Thanks for the tip. I think it is brilliant. One of those times when I think to myself, "Why didn't I think of that?"

Phyllis Williams

Saturday 7th of December 2019

Thank u for the video. It was very helpful. I have been crocheting for 30 years now and I never thought to change colors that way. I always cut the yarn and then had to hide the strings. Thanks again.


Wednesday 23rd of October 2019

Very well illustrated in video. Thanks so much!


Friday 29th of March 2019

How very cool. Thanks!